Dr. Gautam Biswas, receives the appreciation of IUTAM
Prof. Gautam Biswas, 1979, Mechanical Engineering is receiving the appreciation of IUTAM from Prof JM Floryan.
ICTAM is the International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and IUTAM is the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. It is the Apex international body for all research areas related to Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics. Once in four years they organize their Conference at different places of the world. It was started in Cambridge and has a great tradition. This year it is in Daegu, Korea. They invited me to deliver one of the Sectional Lectures. The Sectional Lectures are considered to be very prestigious. This year is the completion of 100 years of IUTAM. The Conference in ICTAM.
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