
The Batch of 1989/Architecture 1990 Makes A New Volleyball Court

The Batch of 1989/Architecture 1990 Makes A New Volleyball Court
Chinmoy Jana, 1989 Mechanical Engineering, & the Convener of REUNION 89/30

During the year 2019, that was the 30th year of our graduation, we had a big reunion and the idea to gift a volleyball court to our beloved institute was floated. After much discussion, we decided to give our best, and make it a most modern Volleyball court in our campus. The court should be a State of the Art Volleyball Court of international standard with floodlights, with the aim to upgrade the standard of games and sports infrastructure facilities of our Campus to a higher level.

A committee was formed, and we approached our institute, and after much discussion, the institute agreed on our proposal, but also it was communicated to us that the 1989 batch would be responsible for all A to Z of its project implementatin, institute would only provide the land, the south-west corner of our Lord’s ground.

We had series of 1989 batch meetings. We could contact few agencies who has necessary expertise to take it as a project. Based on various factors, assumptions and assurances to support us, we agreed to raise a fund of about 30-lac from our own contributions and also through various external donations.

Finally, we could foresee that we are financially in a position to make it in a big way, signed an MOU on 15th August 2020 between our institute and our BATCH’89 for the construction of a Court at Lords Ground, with a target date to complete it by December 2020. However, due to the pndemic situation, our project was delayed, and it was completed and handed over to the institute on 15th August, 2021 thorough a formal ceremony.

The court has been developed in accordance with the technical specifications set by SAI, the Sports Authority of India and International Volleyball Federation. The basic playing court size measures 18mX9m. The overall court size, including the mandatory free playing area, measures 24mX15m. The enclosed area measures 24mX17m.

It’s not just a gift to our beloved Alma Mater on the occasion of 30 years of our graduation, but the love, passion, emotion of each of my batchmates who had contributed towards this major project certainly calls for a big applause!! On behalf of RU30 Organising Committee I convey my heartfelt thanks for their unconditional support and solidarity but for which it wouldn’t be possible to materialise this dream!!! 👏👏

Also take this opportunity to extend our thanks to all IIEST Officials who had supported towards this cause.


Sahityika Admin

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