
Celebrating 50 Years of Graduation 1972-2022

Celebrating 50 Years of Graduation 1972-2022
Tilak Ghoshal, 1972 Electrical Engineering

In my tiny list of ‘anniversaries’ that I never (not yet, at least) fail to remember in time, one more – 15th Jan 2023 – just got added. It was the golden jubilee of our passing out (1972) from the hallowed campus of Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur (reminds me of bus conductors of route 55 at Esplanade yelling “Bikkolej, Bikkolej” to invite passengers)……

The very thought that it’s been 50 years since graduation, rudely brought home our vintage, our dinosaurian ancience!! But, if there was any sense of despondency in the thought, it soon lifted as we stepped into the campus and the crowd started swelling – many of us meeting many for the first time since 1972…

With an intervening half a century – what with aging bodies, balding pates and fading memories – it was sometimes hard to put a name to a face. So, it was perfectly in order to pull the name tag of anyone remotely looking familiar, read the name on it (with squinted eyes) and then, as the mind connected to 1972, a joyous wild scream (actually ‘squeak’ now) – “arey **** (expletive), it’s you *** (unmentionable)? What the hell have you done to your ‘Thobda’ (face/look)?” !!!! In some cases someone will scream “arey **** (same expletive), eta toh ***** (the unmentionable ‘given name’ in the college) and the wilted face will come alive with the youthful look of the ‘victim’ 50 years ago….

A few would squirm at the mention of the ‘given name’, covertly pointing to wife nearby!!! A collective hearty guffaw would follow, everybody around hugging the guy tight with warm affection. The eyes of even a few of the then tough, big, ‘go-to guys’ too would glisten…. Which bond of friendship can be stronger than that forged over 5 years of togetherness in the hostels, through all the highs, all the lows, all the frustrations, all the successes, all the collective mischiefs and all the ‘adventures’ in Bots (Botanical Garden, for the uninitiated), Alka / Mayapuri / Bangabasi / Jharna..? If a Time Machine train could take us back to those days, there will be a scramble and stampede to board, not one guy willing to be left behind !!

Then, with a few of first year hostel mates (who underwent ‘freshmen ragging’ together), it was time for short trips around the campus in small groups – especially to the halls one has lived in – ‘Downing’, ‘No. 12, ‘Wolfendon’, ‘MacDonald, ‘Sen’, ‘Richardson’ and the lot…..A stroll along ‘The Oval’ (cricket ground), ‘The Lords’ (football/ volleyball ground), the basketball court and, of course, the majestic clock tower, towering over everything and everyone for more than a century…. As a freshman, I remember going once to the Cemetery – resting place for mostly European professors of yore. I had then noticed the tombstone of a native Bengali too – Rev. Banamali Ghoshal… Because of the surname as well as the ethnicity of the interred, the name has remained with me since. So, walked down to the cemetery (now the sign post calls it by the rather ghoulish name – ‘graveyard’) and was glad to find the Reverend still peacefully resting there !!

But alongside all the happy reminiscing, boisterous group addas, the bonhomie and the laughters, once in a while there would descend a sudden hush, as names of friends who have passed away came up (2 ‘wickets fell’ just last week as both were preparing to attend the 15th event)…. or mention of someone who couldn’t make it because of serious illness of either himself or his wife….The sights of once agile, active and a few serious sportspersons now walking gingerly and way too slowly, a few stooping or using a walking stick was another stark reminder that while the spirit can remain high, time does take its toll on the body and the mind…..the quiet awareness deep down that we all are in the winters of our lives and many here could join the growing list of these guys anytime, would also occasionally turn the mood a bit somber – but just for a moment. Then, like during all the tough goings in those days, someone would yell “arey chhod yaar, tab dekhi jaygi” – and the mood would swing back to the 70s instantly !!!

If the ambience was excellent and spirits high, the terrific food on offer was perfect match for the occasion. It was fun watching oldies gorging on every item – giving two hoots to all medical advices – and wives indulgently and lovingly looking on, with a – “shouldn’t badger him today at least, let him enjoy his time now” – kind of look on their faces!!……Then there was this department-wise group photography session – the pics to be put alongside respective 1972 pass-out day group photos with department professors. It will be real fun to compare the two when it’s published in the forthcoming journal. One thing I couldn’t help feeling during this photography session was that while in 1972 it was our senior and older profs who were seated in front, this time in the centre were the Director (alas, they are no longer called ‘Principal’) and Registrar, both more than a decade younger than all of us !!!!

Then, as evening began casting its long shadow across the ‘Lords’, all knew it was time for a few more tight hugs and to say bye – with every heart desperately hoping for another such meet sometime soon….. Not much sand, after all, is left in the ‘bust’ of our hour glasses !!

Sahityika Admin

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